Is A First Look Right For You?


We work exceedingly hard to give you everything you need to properly plan and execute the wedding of your dreams. This is why every wedding booking includes a timeline planning session. After all we aren’t your dream wedding partner if we don’t do everything possible to make sure your special day is the day you dreamed it would be.

With that in mind let’s talk about what a first look is and why you’d have one.

What Is A First Look?

A first look is when you set aside time for yourself, your beloved and possibly some really close family members and friends. While lots of couples do only themselves I find it can be helpful to include the parents and attendants (bridesmaids/groomsmen) in this event. Its when you guys meet up and see each other dressed and ready for the first time on your wedding day.

Its always such a sweet and wonderful moment and its one of the few moments you can have on your wedding day that is going to be just the two of you without relatives and friends competing to get slices of your attention.

The second just before the reveal….

The second just before the reveal….

The Advantages Of A First Look

A first look gives you three solid advantages:

  1. You get to experience your moment together! Just the two of you! As a rule in a wedding ceremony one of you is at the altar when other enters the ceremony. Every one stands and gasps and the ohhs and ahhhs just flow. When so much is going on, with everyone you love around you, its really hard for the two of you to just be in the moment and relish the idea that this is going to be your partner for life. A first look let’s you steal that precious once in a lifetime moment for yourselves.

  2. Weddings run behind. Mind you the ones where we can work with you and your planners to set a solid schedule don’t, but all the others do lol. When you run behind the time typically gets taken away from your scheduled portrait time and you end up with fewer pictures of the two of you than you plan to have. Doing a first look gives you some time to make sure you get the most important pictures out of the way first.

  3. If you include your attendants and close family in the first look it raises the level of the emotion. And bonus points because you can also knock out all those pictures that include these individuals right there. Because it’s a small group we can work fast and without interruptions or distractions.

We really believe in first looks because they give you a private moment and seeing these pictures years from now will take you right back to that moment. Well hopefully you’ve got some good information that gets you leaning towards a first look. Schedule a free consultation and let’s talk about if its the right thing for you special day.